
Bristol & Clifton Golf Club

Women's Membership Options

Bristol & Clifton women's section provides a clear pathway for beginners - from beginners group or individual lessons through to the stepping stone 'Academy Affiliate Membership' and then finally to Full Membership. 

Our professional, Paul Mitchell, runs weekly group lessons for women currently on Wednesday and Friday mornings. They cost £10 per person for 1 hour and group size is usually 8-10 people - Call the Pro Shop for the most up to date information. It's a great introduction to golf or simply a way to brush up on your skills if you're returning to golf or have had previous lessons. You can build up confidence in your golf skills while meeting other women at a similar stage in their golf journey.

Once you are ready to get out on the course and are thinking about golf membership you can either apply to join as a full member or join as an Academy Affiliate member. The Academy Affiliate membership is £558 pa and enables you to play after 1pm between October and March and after 2pm over the summer months. It allows you the opportunity to get your official handicap. You can hold this type of membership for up to 2 years and you are eligible at any time during that period to become a full member.

Beginners' groups - getting out on the course

For all Academy Affiliate members there is a specific WhatsApp group (for members) to keep in touch and organise games. It's a great way to take those early steps in getting out on the course and playing in a relaxed environment. The women's section also organise golf days for the Academy Affiliate members to spend time on the course with long standing women members. You can find out about their golf journey and get their advice on how to play the course, getting your handicap and anything else you want to find out about.

Call Paul Mitchell in the pro shop for further details on lessons and Academy Affiliate membership.

Social membership

You can join anytime as a social member for £100.00 incl VAT p.a. You won't have any playing rights, but you can visit the restaurant and bar at any time and join in any of the social events on offer. You are also eligible for bar discounts.

For further information on membership click here .

Twilight golf

We offer a special price for visitors playing after 4pm.

Monday - Friday £45.00

Saturday & Sunday £50.00  

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